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Saturday 14 September 2013

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Notes Unit 2 Part 4 Building Plans

Notes  on Unit 2 Part 4
Building Plans: Reading and comprehending a building plan and section.
Convention of assuming the  cutting  plane  at  window  sill  level.
Conventional  symbols  for  representing  doors  etc.  and electrical  and sanitary fittings.
Identification of footing, plinth,  lintel, slab, chajja  etc. on a given cross-section.

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Notes Unit 2 Part 4 Building plans, Symbols

3 Sep 2013 Class 20 Building plans and symbols

Topics Covered
Building Plans: Reading and comprehending a building plan and section.
Convention of assuming the  cutting  plane  at  window  sill  level.
Conventional  symbols  for  representing  doors  etc.  and electrical  and sanitary fittings.
Identification of footing, plinth,  lintel, slab, chajja  etc. on a given cross-section.

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3 Sep 2013 Class 20 Building plans and symbols

Monday 2 September 2013

Class 14 to 19th lecture slides BCE

Topics covered
Mortar: Proportions of cement mortar for various uses.
Concreate: Ingredients of concrete. Meaning of M-10, M-15 and M-20 grades, and nominal mix
proportions for them. Common w/c ratios. Workability. Slump test. Compression test. Curing.
Aggregate: Coarse and Fine aggregates, grading curve and fineness modulus.

class 14th

Class 15th to 19th

Notes UNIT 2 Part 3 Aggregate

Notes UNIT 2 Part 3 Aggregate

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Notes UNIT 2 Part 3 Aggregate

Notes UNIT 2 part 2 Concrete

Notes UNIT 2 part 2 Concrete

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Notes UNIT 2 part 2 Concrete

B.C. Punmia book shall be referred

Sunday 1 September 2013

Notes UNIT-2 Part 1 Mortar

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Notes UNIT-2 Part 1 Mortar